A 4-week LIVE virtual reiki-infused hypnotherapy group program to open the gift of surrender.

In this class, we will approach the spiritual practice of Surrender through the lens of the Goddess and the deep feminine mysteries

We will work with the wisdom of the womb, the compassion of the heart, and an understanding of your soul blueprint. 

You will learn about the Cosmic Mother, the Earth Mother, and the Dark Mother and how to surrender to each rhythm. 

During our spiritual hypnosis sessions, you will experience the body (somatically) and learn to shed layers that are keeping you from true surrender.

We can only unburden in the body, not from the mind. 

This class is learning with art, words, and spiritual teaching, as well as a community with other women.

In addition, the guided heart-based hypnosis will provide an embodied experience of all concepts learned. 





4 weeks on Monday evenings from 7:00-9:00 pm EDT

August 8

August 15

August 22

August 29 


Consider SURRENDER if...

You are inspired

to expand beyond your usual condiitioning.

You are excited

to learn how to step into “the wisdom of uncertainty" through the intelligence of the heart. 

You want to create

awareness and alertness that stems from the deep feminine.

You recognize

the interconnectedness of all things and divine wisdom, power, love, and grace.

Surrender is a gift that you can give yourself. It’s an act of faith. It’s saying that even though I can’t see where this river is flowing, I trust it will take me in the right direction. - Debbie Ford

How we flow into SURRENDER:

  • WEEK 1 - FAITH Understand the Soul Blueprint.
  • WEEK 2 - DIVINE MOTHERS  To allow things to unfold naturally with the understanding that everything we need will automatically come our way at the perfect moment.
  • WEEK 3 - UNION OF WOMB & HEART  Power and love.
  •  WEEK 4 - COMMUNION Seeing everything as Yoga or union with the Divine.
  • Each week I will also guide a breathing exercise or mantra. No prior hypnosis experience is necessary.

What you will receive...

  • 4 LIVE group calls, held on Zoom on a weekly basis with others from all over the world (2 hours each call)
  • Guided gentle hypnotherapy with Priya Lakhi, Master Hypnotherapy Trainer
  • Teachings to understand the deep feminine as surrender
  • Support to practice active surrender
  • Time for group discussion
  • Lifetime access to recordings of all 4 calls so you can relisten, or catch up if you miss a call

This is going to be a more intensive and supportive look into your unconscious mind. With regular practice, we can more effectively uncover and replace negative patterning and transform our lives even faster.

When we will be meeting: 

  • Mondays beginning August 8 at 7:00 PM EDT/4:00 PM PST for 4 weeks


    August 8

    August 15

    August 22

    August 29 





4 Group calls

Recordings of the calls

Heart-Centered Hypnotherapy


Payment Plan



4 Group calls

Recordings of the calls

 Heart-Centered Hypnotherapy


What is it really worth?

Meet The Facilitator:

Hi, I'm Priya

Founder of Awaken Ananda, Priya specializes in supporting women (and brave men) to integrate intuition with their intelligence. After 15 years as a lawyer and professor, she became passionate about guiding others to harness the power within to create potent and powerful lives. 

Priya is a Certified Transpersonal Coach, a Board Certified Trainer in Hypnotherapy, certified healer, and has spent years studying ancient spiritual wisdom, energy, and the quantum field. 

Priya is guided by Meher Baba, Shiva, The Magdalene Energies, the Divine Mother, and Mahalaxmi. 

Her own healing journey (and the work she continues to do on herself) is the best training she could ask for.

I look forward to share every gateway that has opened to me with you. 

Why join now?

It is the time for embodied spirituality. This work offers an avenue for remembering our wholeness, love, and power.

Frequently Asked Questions


Hypnosis is simply a state of relaxed focus. It is a natural state. In fact, each of us enters such a state - sometimes called a trance state - at least twice a day: once when we are falling asleep, and once when we are waking up. That kind of fuzzy, timeless state between dreaming and awake is a trance state. When a nine-minute snooze-button seems to give you enough time to have an-hour long dream, that's a trance state.

There are many other times that people enter a natural state of trance. Driving, watching TV, listening to music, working on a favorite hobby or activity in the "flow" state. These are all "altered states of consciousness," and all are various levels of trance.

Trance is normal, natural, and common.

Hypnotherapy is the process of using hypnosis to interact with the unconscious mind in an open-reflective process to create positive change in your life. There are many techniques and many styles and many applications of hypnotherapy.

They all have several things in common: (1) a strong desire to change, (2) a state of deeply relaxed focus, and (3) language and visualization in relationship to emotions.

YES! The deeper you go, the better you feel. The better you feel, the deeper you go. 

We have layers and layers of unconscious programming. Every time you do a hypnosis session, we reach another layer that potentially is blocking you from reaching your fullest, most expanded self. 

There is no such thing as "too much" hypnosis. This process will give you what you need at this state of consciousness.  

This feeling is the reason you MUST do this program.  Making time for you and what you truly want isn’t easy because you’ve been brainwashed to always be busy and never have time for you. 

I am going to ask you let go of a lot of extraneous things in your life and only do the essentials. Do what lights you up so that you have time to do the work needed to step into your Ananda - your highest potential and ultimate bliss. 

You decide what level you want to play in...but you have to get in the game to play.

You are worth the time.

In this class, there is no “my way or the highway.”

This is not religion.  It's not anti-religion.  It holds no relationship to any other practice. These gateways to learning fits in with whoever you are and whatever you believe... whatever the Divine means to you.

All that is required is a willingness to be open and a deep desire for change.

I love in person workshops, therapy and retreats. But often we don’t have the space to travel, or we spend years in therapy and have a deep understanding of our past but don’t feel like we are reaching our fullest potential.

When you do an online program, you don’t have to travel, you don’t have to wait, and you get access to the best coaches/facilitators in the world without the cost of a plane ticket.

Research has shown there’s an incredible energy and collective wisdom when doing group coaching that’s different from 1:1 sessions, and it’s this energy and wisdom that can rapidly get you to deepen into your healing.

I (Priya) am a trained facilitator that is invested and passionate about the work I do. I teach from my own direct experience and those of my teachers that I have spent years cultivating a relationship. 

You will learn how to bridge the gap between being human and being divine. You will be expertly guided to understand concepts with your direct experience -there is no better way to grow. You will learn real strategies, powerful tools and have Priya as support. 

You will learn how to be guided by your soul, so we don’t waste a lot of time, energy, and money going in the wrong direction.

If you are inspired by me, then there is nothing better than sharing, growing and learning from those that inspire you!

I will facilitate this workshop in a way that is clear, practical, and energized. I will use the hours of my own training and the years I have spent on my own healing journey to show you YOUR unlimited potential.


In addition to my own deep and years long healing journey (which is the best training I could ask for)...I have worked with hundreds of clients one-to-one in healing and facilitation sessions.


Eastern Philosophy & Vedanta

Energy Healing

Emotional Intelligence


Experiential Learning

Embodied Leadership

Psychology (Developmental, Positive, Intrapersonal, Transpersonal, Evolutionary, Cognitive)

Time Line Therapy

Magnified Healing

MASTER Results Coaching

MASTER Neuro Linguistic Programming TRAINER

Conflict Management

Yoga Teacher Training

Esoteric Wisdom


Bach Flower Therapy 

Essential Oils

Huna Philosophy

Sri Vidya and the Divine Feminine 

Master Hypnotherapy Trainer


This experience was not forged from a few weekend seminars and a handful of online courses.

The Awaken the Power of the Mind Experience is the best there is because I've put my entire life into this work AND I AM DEEPLY COMMITTED TO SERVING HUMANITY AND HELPING THE AWAKENING OF CONSCIOUSNESS.

No problem. Of course we would prefer you join the calls live, but if you happen to miss one, you can catch the replay in the membership site. 

If you participate in all 4 calls and still believe that this program wasn’t worth your investment, I’m happy to get on the phone with you and discuss a refund.

You will have access to a membership site where all the recordings will be housed.

This is a program with four-set calls, and to join live is ideal.  I encourage you to join now if it’s piquing your interest.

No problem! Simply reach out to Priya via email ( and she will be happy to set up a chat. 


****DISCLAIMER: By Purchasing this course you are agreeing to take full responsibility for your mental, emotional and spiritual health while being in this container. You understand that you are not required to complete or participate in any element of this course that is not right or healthy for you. You understand that this work is not intended to be a replacement for trauma resolution work or psychotherapy. You understand that you are fully responsible for how you apply this information in your life and that you will seek the second opinion of a professional where necessary. You understand that this course is a body of work created by Priya Lakhi and that she owns the intellectual property of this material.


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